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CEF Provides a variety of different clubs that are designed to be fun for kids while also benefitting their spiritual life. Look below to see all the opportunities we have for kids and volunteers!

Good News Club is a program where trained volunteers lead children in an exciting experience that includes games, songs, Bible stories and other fun activities.

Party Clubs are high-energy, fun-filled one-time events that take place throughout Colorado. They are designed to be a very inviting experience for children no matter where they are spiritually.


Many times party clubs will have an age-appropriate theme for kids to participate in and enjoy.

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Summer Good News Clubs are an exciting experience held for 3 days in the summer.


The time includes dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring stories, songs, and a whole lot of fun.

What Is Taught at Clubs?

We strive to make our Clubs  fun and engaging while also providing great content. Our content focuses on material from the Bible and a Christian perspective.

Who Leads Clubs?

We train volunteers who have been through a thorough background check and have a heart for kids. Volunteers may come from local churches or other Christian networks.

Where do Clubs Meet?

Clubs meet across the state of Colorado in local schools, community centers, churches, homes, and parks. If we can find a safe location to host kids, we will open a club there! 

Is there any cost?

There is no charge for children to attend

Change Eternity One Child at a Time​

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10451 Huron St. Suite 104

Northglenn, CO 80234


Copyright © 2024 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.

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